Best Youth Research Strategies for Your Brand
Best Youth Research Strategies for Your Brand Generation Z, Millennials, and early adopters have purchase power. While this doesn’t yet rival the $2.6+ trillion of the boomer generation , Gen Z alone has a reported buying power of $500 million+ . With precise buying and browsing patterns, brands need outstanding youth research to reach this audience. Let’s take a look at a few Gen Z stats first: Almost 30% made 2 - 5 purchases after seeing a product on social media 31.8% like to hear from brands by email twice a week 85% of Gen Z use YouTube, with 32% saying these use it the most 72% of Gen Z use Instagram, with 15% saying they use it the most 84% of 18-29-year-olds use social media Understanding how this cohort spends and what they think and believe in is paramount before establishing a relationship with them. We know the importance of digging deep with Gen Z; that’s why Selfhood exists. Our very own youth res...