
Showing posts from September, 2022

Email? What’s Email?

  If you run a business, you always need to be thinking ahead. This is because things change. They can change from one year to the next, and they can certainly change over several years. For example, who, in 1990, would have thought that today there would be millions of people who sit at a table with a laptop (what’s a laptop?) playing games online? Who would have guessed that Google was around the corner, or Facebook? Grand Theft Auto? Minecraft?? Darts, Or A Game Of Cards Back then, we might have gone to the pub with some friends for a game or two of darts, or perhaps to play cards. But sitting at home playing games on a “computer”? You’re kidding me! We didn’t have email until the late 1980’s, and this writer remembers being stunned when the barmaid at the local told him that she had just sent an email to her family in Australia. What’s an email? How the heck does that work? She said that it was apparently something to do with sending letters through the telephone system! ...

Dungeons & Dragons and Gen Z - What This Game Can Teach Brands About Their Audience

Dungeons and Dragons is a roleplaying game first conceived by Wizards of the Coast in the seventies. The game was shrouded in obscurity during the first editions. Media often looks back on its early adopters at those on the fringes of society. Nowadays, however, DnD has succeeded in entering mainstream media like never before. In 2020, Dungeons and Dragons saw a sales jump of 33%.  Wizards of the Coast is launching new video games, and there's even a trailer for a DnD movie to be released in 2023. The recent success of the tabletop roleplaying game can be attributed to a few factors. First, the popular Netflix show “Stranger Things” revived the nostalgia for the games played in groups of two to six around a table in the comfort of one's home. Since the show aired, searches into DnD have risen by 600%. Popular roleplaying show Critical Roll has also been drawing attention to the game for years in their 3-4 hour weekly live streams of their game. The team consists of “nerdy...