Email? What’s Email?


If you run a business, you always need to be thinking ahead. This is because things change. They can change from one year to the next, and they can certainly change over several years.

For example, who, in 1990, would have thought that today there would be millions of people who sit at a table with a laptop (what’s a laptop?) playing games online? Who would have guessed that Google was around the corner, or Facebook? Grand Theft Auto? Minecraft??

Darts, Or A Game Of Cards

Back then, we might have gone to the pub with some friends for a game or two of darts, or perhaps to play cards. But sitting at home playing games on a “computer”? You’re kidding me! We didn’t have email until the late 1980’s, and this writer remembers being stunned when the barmaid at the local told him that she had just sent an email to her family in Australia. What’s an email? How the heck does that work? She said that it was apparently something to do with sending letters through the telephone system!

So yes, things change. And today they change far faster than they did even 50 years ago because of the technology that we now have. And that means that if your business is to succeed, it needs to keep up with the latest trends.

The people who are going to be your customers in the future are what is known today as Gen Z. Born roughly between the late 90’s and early 2010’s, so between 10 and 25 years old. And many of them have very different tastes and ideas from their parents and grandparents. Let’s face it: they have been brought up with all this high-tech stuff. They know nothing else. Playing games on a computer is normal.

This is why you need to carry out next gen research to discover the next gen trends so that you can adapt your business to appeal to these people. OK, ten-year-olds don’t have a lot of money, but in 20 or 25 years it will be very different, so you want to be there for them and for their desires.

At Selfhood, we are in the business of next gen research, and we can look at your business and see where the next gen trends are leading. When you know what your future customers are going to want, you can adapt things accordingly, so that you are the one that they come to, with credit card in hand.


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